Instituto di Ricerca sulle Acque (IRSA)
IRSA was established in 1968 to carry out research mainly in two main fields: i) management and protection of water resources; ii) development of methodologies and technologies for water and wastewater treatment. Since its foundation, IRSA is structured in three units/laboratories located in Rome, Milan and Bari and cooperates with Ministries, Public Administrations, Agencies, Industries, SMEs and Research Institutions by performing innovative research, pre-regulatory investigations, educational and training activities.

Alessandro Pagano
Main research interests: integrated modeling using PSDM, integrated water resources management, irrigation management and optimization.
Dr. Alessandro Pagano holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Water Engineering at the Technical University of Bari (Italy). He is a research scientist at the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council (Bari, Italy) since 2012. His main research interests are related to the: i) vulnerability and resilience assessment of drinking water supply systems using probabilistic methods (Bayesian Networks), System Dynamics Modelling (SDM) and Network Theory analysis tools; ii) integrated water resources management – both for drinking and irrigation purposes – and Water-Energy-Food Nexus; iii) Participatory Modeling (mainly using SDM) to support water-related risk assessment and management, and the modeling of mitigation/adaptation measures. He has been working in several EU (EDUCEN, NAIAD, ReSET, MUHA) and national projects. He is the author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal papers and acts as a reviewer for several international journals.

Raffaele Giordano Engineer and PhD in Urban Planning, researcher
Main research interests: Ambiguity analysis, participatory modeling and stakeholder engagement, SNA and PSDM, ABM for conflict analysis.
Dr. Raffaele Giordano is a Research Scientist at the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council (Bari, Italy) since 2005. His main research field concerns the integration of scientific and stakeholders’ knowledge to develop decision support tools for water-related risk assessment and management. His research deals with participatory modelling (Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Bayesian Belief Networks, System Dynamic Modelling, Social Network Analysis) to simulate the complex network of interaction among decision makers, decisions and actions in complex environmental problems. He gained important experiences in coordinating EU funded research activities as WP leader (i.e. EDUCEN, EU-MACS, NAIAD). He is author of more than 30 papers published in international journals (ISI), book chapters, conference proceedings and abstracts. He is reviewer in several science journals in the field of environmental resources management and decision analysis. He has been lecturer for several post-graduate courses in the field of water resources management.

Dr Ivan PORTOGHESE Civil Engineer and PhD, researcher.
Main research interests: integrated water resources management, water footprint and water accounting, irrigation management.
Dr. Ivan Portoghese is a Research Scientist at the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council (Bari, Italy) since 2005. His main research interests and activities are on the hydrological characterization of Mediterranean watersheds that are subject to strong climate variability, and the development and validation of methods and tools for water resource planning and management, including groundwater. He has authored more than 30 scientific articles published in international journals (ISI), book chapters, conference proceedings. He is also involved in the development of water policies and regulations with regional water management authorities.