Mr. Michele Ferri (M)
Mr. Michele Ferri (M) is scientific development manager of REXUS. He is the executive of the flood risk mangment and planning Direction in AAWA and the responsible for: the Flood Risk Management Pan (implementation of 2007/60/EC), the European Projects, the hydrological and hydraulical apply field in AAWAHe completed postdoctoral research in Hydrodynamic and environmental modelling at the University of Padua. He was responsible for AAWA in FP7 projects (KULTURisk, WeSenseIt, MARSOL) and in CROWD4SAT (ESA project). Currently he is responsible for AAWA in H2020 projects (beAWARE, EOPEN, WeObserve).

Mr. Daniele Norbiato (M)
Mr. Daniele Norbiato (M) is a Technical official expert in hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, completed a PhD in Environmental Hydronomy at University of Padua. He is in the AAWA team that developed an innovative geomorphoclimatic hydrological model. He provided technical Contribution to international projects related to risk-and crisis management and crowdsourced data assimilation projects like KultuRisk (FP7 ENV.2010.1.3.2-1), WeSenseIt (FP7 ENV-2012-6.5-1), beAWARE (H2020-SC5-2016-2017), CROWD4SAT (ESA ITT No. AO/1-8068/14/F/MOS) and water resources management projects like MARSOL (ENV.2013.WATER INNO&DEMO-1), TRUST (LIFE07ENV/IT/000475).

Mr. Francesco Zaffanella (M)
Mr. Francesco Zaffanella (M) is a civil hydraulic engineer graduated at University of Padua. He also follow a specific course on the Landscape management. He collaborated to many international projects related to flood risk and crisis management and crowdsourced/EO data assimilation
(H2020 projects: beAWARE, EOPEN, WeObserve, MICS). His main scientific interests focus on hydrometeorology, flood risk, hydrological-hydraulic modelling 1D and 2D, water resources management modelling, flood forecasting systems, flash-flood modelling, groundwater modelling, EartObservation Data management. Author of several articles. He is also a Civil Protection Volunteer with experience in several emergencies (flood, earthquakes), and he is a former for the National Civil Protection Department.

Mrs Francesca Lombardo (F)
Mrs Francesca Lombardo (F) is a civil hydraulic engineer graduated at University of Udine. She participated with AAWA to many international projects related to flood risk and crisis management and water security (H2020 projects: beAWARE, EOPEN, WeObserve, aqua3S, CULTER). She has expertise in hydrological and hydraulic modelling for flood risk management and for flood early warning systems. She has also knowledge in coding in different languages and she is developing in AAWA several algorithms for hydrologic and hydraulic application, as well as for data management and assimilation.