Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI)
The Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI) is one of the 11 research institutes of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER in Greece that specializes in research on the protection and management of soil and water resources. It is involved in resource management and policy projects, focusing on environmental modeling, applying state-of-the-art technological solutions and sensors in environmental monitoring, collecting and applying good agricultural practices, climate change impact assessment, environmental impact assessment in agriculture, and managing soil resources in agricultural areas. SWRI is one of the founding partners and the operator of the Pinios Hydrological Observatory (PHO), which is included in the International Long-Term Ecosystem Research (ILTER) sites and the European Network of Hydrological Observatories (ENOHA). SWRI also manages the WFD 2000/60 Greek river discharge monitoring network.

Vassilios Pisinaras
Dr. Vassilios Pisinaras is Senior Researcher at the Soil and Water Resources Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation. His research interests focus on hydrologic-hydrogeologic modelling, agricultural water management and irrigation scheduling, water monitoring and assessment using state-of-the-art sensors, and climate change impact assessment on water resources. Within his 17-year working experience, he has participated in 20 research projects focused mainly in water resources management/monitoring/modelling and irrigation scheduling. He has been awarded with two postdoctoral research scholarships funded by national institutes related to climate change and agricultural practices impact modelling and assessment on water bodies and soil. Currently, he is the Scientific co-Responsible on behalf of SWRI for ATLAS (H2020), REXUS (H2020) and LENSES (PRIMA), while he is the Head Scientist of Pinios Hydrologic Observatory. He has co-authored 87 publications, 32 of which in peer-reviewed journals.

Evangelos Tziritis
Dr Evangelos Tziritis is a senior research scientist at the Soil and Water Resources Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO-DIMITRA). His main research domain is focused on environmental hydrogeochemistry and relevant water resources aspects. He has significant experience in various methodological approaches for geo-environmental analysis at the catchment-scale level (e.g. hydrogeochemical modelling, environmental indicators, hydrological isotopes, groundwater vulnerability). He also has expert knowledge on environmental monitoring of water resources and groundwater salinization. His overall record of achievements includes several years of experience in geo-environmental projects of basic and applied research in liaison with private firms, stakeholders, and academia. He has participated in more than 20 projects and has published more than 80 scientific papers (h-index 14) in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He has been a reviewer of more than 30 scientific journals of the Science Citation Index (SCI).

Andreas Panagopoulos
Dr Andreas Panagopoulos is Research Director at the Soil and Water Resources Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization. He shares experience on hydrological modeling, water resources management, assessment, characterization and monitoring, and has offered consultancy services in the implementation of various Directives, including the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Daughter Directive and the Nitrates Directive. Dr Panagopoulos has worked in the implementation of numerous R&D projects and consultancy projects, and has authored and co-authored over 190 scientific papers in refereed journals and full text Conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters. He has contributed to the development of the national methodology for the assessment of quality and quantity status of groundwater bodies in Greece. Moreover, he has developed the adopted methodological framework for the delineation and characterisation of the Nitrates Vulnerable Zones, and has led its implementation in Greece and in Turkey. Dr Panagopoulos has a record in teaching and lecturing, in academic institutions of Greece and Europe.

Evangelos Hatzigiannakis
Dr Evangelos Hatzigiannakis is an Agronomist, Research Director at the Soil and Water Resources Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation. His research interests focus on open channels flow, irrigation networks, precision irrigation and water and soil resources management. Within his 29-years working experience, he has participated in more than 70 research projects focusing mainly in water and soil resources monitoring and management, including FP7, HORIZON 2020 and LIFE projects; in over 30 of them acting as coordinator or scientific responsible of the project or the SWRI team. He heads the physicochemical determinations in Soil – Water – Plant Tissue samples, ISO 17025 accredited laboratory of the Institute at Sindos Research Unit. Dr Hatzigiannakis is member of a patent pending technological solution development team for olive-mill waste treatment, has 30 publications in peer reviewed journals, 5 monographs, 1 book and 1 book chapter.

Charalampos Doulgeris
Dr Charalampos Doulgeris is a Senior Researcher in hydrology at the Soil & Water Resources Institute of Hellenic Agricultural Organisation. With over 20 years of experience in water resources and environmental management, he has strong research interests in mathematical modelling related to surface and subsurface flow, contaminant transport and biogeochemical processes. He has been involved in more than 30 research projects associated with i) watershed modelling systems, ii) rainfall-runoff and hydraulic modelling in rivers and lakes, iii) seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers, iv) deficit irrigation and irrigation water management and v) impact assessment of climate change on freshwater ecosystems.